Taking into account the changes in my professional path, I have recently been talking more often with different companies, possible cooperation partners. And I have come to some thoughts that I want to share - what kind of professional cooperation do we (both employees and employers) choose to create?
Although I have heard a lot of opinions - you should work in a job where you can earn, where there is a demand for labor rather than doing what you like - I still do not agree with this. In my opinion, this vision is the result of a series of societal stereotypes and internal disbelief about one's abilities and talents. Often people think that there is no place where they can realize their talents professionally - I believe that each of us has a place in this giant professional puzzle, it is very possible that we have not found it yet (or created it for ourselves), but that does not necessarily mean that that there is no such thing.
Also, I have heard the opinion that there are jobs that have to be done, but no one likes them. We only make such judgments based on our individual likes/dislikes, but it's clear that there are so many different people with very different interests around us, and especially outside our social bubble. For example, I don't understand how you can enjoy programming, but there are people who love to do it. There are also people who do not understand office work - they need to be on the move, to do practical things. And there is a huge magic in this variety.
I believe that people should look for a job that they like and feel good about. Each of us has been given our professional talents, not just like that, but to realize them. When we really realize our talents, we may feel that another person is switching on - so much energy, inspiration, initiative appears - we may not recognize ourselves. And I believe that then we can achieve unimaginable results. And what do you think the world would look like if each of us professionally did the best in our field?
I believe that this is not only our individual path to happiness in the professional field, but also the company's, because with such employees it can really achieve excellent results. Yes, I really believe that this is the only way to an excellent professional result. I believe that meaningful new things - new products, new services, etc. can be created only in appropriate compatibility, because heart, energy and enthusiasm are put into this development. I agree that if we don't go that way, we can get a result and we can even get a good result, but we certainly cannot get the maximum - excellence.
In my opinion, when companies are looking for employees and employees are looking for companies, there is really no such thing as "good", "bad" employees, managers, companies, work environments, etc. - we each have a place to be. In the professional field it is similar to in other areas of life - everything is simply about mutual compatibility!
Successful compatibility does not mean that managers and employees are, think and behave identically. On the contrary, I believe that different employees (age, behavior, experience, education, etc.) are of great value in the team and the company. But in my opinion, it is very important that the basic values match (the ones we practice every day, not the ones written in the organization's strategy) - What is important to us in the work environment? how do we see mutual professional relationships? And in the end, do we have the same vision of what professional goal we are aiming for? It is very valuable to discuss and listen to different opinions on how to achieve the common goal, the problem arises when there is no common vision of the set goal. For example, you can discuss how to work with the employees of the organization, what activities to create, etc., the problem arises when there are fundamentally different visions, what is the role, value and influence of employees in the company. You can also discuss the ways to drive change in the company, the problem arises if there is no common vision that the change really needs to be made. Also about public participation - we can discuss the best methods, but the problem arises when one wants to do it in substance, and the other only in formality.
In my opinion, both companies and prospective employees are often responsible for bad matches. Companies often mislead prospective employees about the company's environment, internal culture, values, team and the daily work routine of the specific position during the selection process. It is clear that when starting work, the employee will sooner or later see the real situation. Likewise, future employees often try to match the values, vision, work approaches of the given company as much as possible during the selection process, even if it does not radically coincide with the person's internal beliefs and professional perspective. Basically, both sides are deceiving each other by trying to be different, better, more modern, etc.
As a result of such cooperation, the company will most likely not achieve the maximum result, and it will have to direct additional resources for the next recruitment. From the employee's point of view - we will not fully realize ourselves in such work. I believe we are all aware that inappropriate professional compatibility is not beneficial for either party - neither the company nor the employee. And that's why I wonder why so many people and companies still choose to be in such professional partnerships?
I am aware that I cannot and do not want to generalize in any way - everyone has their own unique situation and circumstances in which we are. However, one of my observations - we need to know and understand ourselves more - both employees and companies. What are we really like? What are our talents, strengths? What can we offer? What kind of professional environment do we want to work in? What kind of environment do we provide? What kind of work brings us joy, inspiration, fulfillment? And quite honestly - not what we would like to be, but what we are.
Like we all need more courage. Courage to face various stereotypes and self-doubt. The courage to allow yourself to do the work that you like, that inspires and fulfills you not only on a material, but also on an emotional and spiritual level. Courage to express one's point of view loudly to future employers, cooperation partners, even if it does not coincide. And finally, don't give up on finding the right match, because just like in partnerships, it's not always quick or easy, but I think it's worth it :)
I am on my way to my puzzle pieces and this is my vision of the world around me. May we all succeed :)